The Quantum Reset

September 17th-19th, 2021


If you are called to go deeper, travel further within, open your heart into the vastness of love and connect with other world changers…

The Quantum Reset is Here

Join us at the luxury sanctuary of Venus Villa in Sedona for a life changing weekend of connection, rejuvenation and heart expansion.

In our Quantum Reset Retreat, you will experience a weave of mind, body, soul, and consciousness-expanding sacred modalities specially selected to enhance your divine connection to Self through Other.

Become clear on your next steps and learn how to call it in with ease and grace and less effort.

Do in one weekend what you used to do in a 6 week mastermind.

Experience Your Own Quantum Reset

Over 3 days you will jump into the higher timelines of your life.

If you’re ready to receive all that is waiting beyond your current reality…

Only 10 spots available.



The Quantum Reset is a luxury retreat in the heart of Sedona’s magical vortexes.


Breath-taking and Grand Sweeping Views

Luxury Accommodations

Sonos Sound System

Quantum Resonance System Bed

Close access to the Sacred Waters of Oak Creek

Magnesium/Himalayan Salt/Rose Quartz Baths

Ereada Bio-Magnetic Amethyst Mat

5 Star Spa Cuisine

Quan Yin Waterfall Rose Garden


Opening Invocation of Master Teams and Ceremony Circle

Morning Hike Recommendations

5 star private chef, catered meals

UFO Sightings

Coffee and Tea Bar

Group and individual integration throughout

Sunset hikes

Closing Circle and Integration

  • Coffee & Tea Bar

  • Luxury Accomodations

  • Catered Meals

  • Sacred Space

  • Sunrise & Sunset Hikes

  • Plant Traditions

Bookings are now open. First come, first served.



from Within

Invest in yourself! Give yourself the opportunity to go deep within, sparking transformation that will permeate into all aspects of your life.

Register now and secure your spot!

Add ons include:

Destiny Reading - Private Session with Giselle $333

Meet your Sherpas

  • Giselle Koy

    Giselle Koy is a coach for visionaries working on their highest level missions, and she channels soul-fulfilling destinies for leaders. Her specialty is helping priestesses of the earth plane find, organize and land their gifts and does so through a weekly group coaching call for High Priestesses.

  • Michelle Norris

    Michelle is a former corporate warrior, trained chef and multi-potentialite whose own experiences inspired her to upend the way the world tackles health, wellness and prosperity. She co-founded and is now CEO of Paleo f(x)™, the largest Paleo event in the world. She's a passionate speaker, motivator and guiding light to all she works with.

  • Keith Norris

    Keith Norris has an extensive background in psychedelic and plant medicine healing work. He’s an expert in utilizing Jungian psychology, shadow work, NLP and hypnosis techniques, as well as pre and post journey intensive integration practices, to help his clients achieve resolution from traumas, PTSD, drug addiction and more.